D I S C O is the ultimate activity. With a stellar soundtrack we conduct dance classes for toddlers and pre-school aged children.

D I S C O   D I R E C T O R  -  S T A C E Y  H E R D E N

Stacey has been dancing since the age of 7, she has trained in Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary,
Hip Hop and Tap. She has a degree in Theatre and has performed as a dancer and actor for theatre, film, tv commercials and music videos.

Stacey has also worked within the childcare industry for the past 20 years. She has a current Victorian Working With Children Check and has a 4 year old daughter named Clémentine.

Dancing with Stacey at the D I S C O will help mature your child's physical coordination and strength and allow them to express themselves through free creative movement. It will also help your child become socially aware as they interact with other children and their parents.